Proven Reliability

Master 35® Low Emission Impact Wrench

The New Master 35® Low Emission Impact Wrench has the same reliable, high quality impact mechanism and gear box which has been used during the past thirty years and is now driven by a more powerful engine which complies with EUR5 and EPA3 low emission Standards.

More Power…

The New Master 35® Impact Wrench has the same reliable, high quality impact mechanism and gear box which has been used during the past thirty years and is now driven by a more powerful engine which complies with EUR5 and EPA3 low emission Standards.

The NEW Master 35® Impact Wrench is now powered by a more powerful Engine which complies with EUR5 and EPA3 low emission Standards.

Because of its increased power and high engineering specification it will remove/fit most Chairscrews and Fishplate Nuts in under three seconds and using one of our Safety Quick Release Auger Attachment drill holes in Wooden Sleepers.

It is easily carried by one person, is operator friendly, has good balance, easy to repair and because it is so fast, reduces the potential harm of vibration exposure especially when fitted to our Tool Carrier.

Impact Wrenches, Tool Carriers, Spare Parts and Accessories are available from stock held by our partner Distributors throughout the World.

More Benefits…

Lower Weight Weighs 17.9 Kgs

Increased Power A workhorse providing many years of reliable service.

Anti Vibration Full anti vibration damped Carrying and Throttle handles.

Faster Operation Improves efficiency and reduces vibration exposure.

Low Maintenance Costs High quality and fair prices for spare parts ensures low maintenance costs.

Portable No need for Compressors, Generators or Power Packs. Eliminates trailing hoses and cables making it easier to operate.

Protect Your Master35® with Aspen 2 Fuel…

Protect the Master 35® Impact Wrench with Aspen 2 Fuel. Click here for more information.

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The Details

Technical Specification

DIMENSIONS Length = 600mm Height = 284mm Width = 452mm
ENGINE Two stroke/cycle Special Airtec EMAK 63.4 c.c. complying with EUR5 and EPA3 Standards
POWER 3.4 HP 2.6kW @ 7800rpm
FASTENER TYPE Bolt 16 – 32mm diameter
Rectangular all sizes
Hexagon up to 83mm
NOISE LEVELS Operation levels based on ISO3744
Acoustic Pressure (LpA) 101.7 dBA
Power (LWA) 114.8 dBA
Always wear ear protection
SQUARE DRIVE Standard 1″
TORQUE RANGE 500 – 2,500Nm approximately. It is possible to generate higher torques under special conditions. The Master will loosen any screwed fastener previously tightened by any other Petrol/Gas Driven Impact Wrench
VIBRATION EXPOSURE Vibration exposure is more important than vibration e.g. a low vibration machine which takes a long time to perform a task generates higher vibration exposure than a higher vibration machine which performs a task much more quickly.
The following data is based on practical on track testing carried out in the UK in February 2020
Fishplates / Joint Bar Nuts – 2.24 seconds
Vibration Trigger Time Minutes No of Fasteners Trigger Time Minutes No of Fasteners
Tightening 12.28m/s2 20 533 80 2133
Loosening 11.05m/s2 25 667 98 2613
Chairscrews / Lagscrews – 2.5 seconds
Tightening 11.90m/s2 21 504 85 2040
Loosening 14.72m/s2 14 336 55 1320
WEIGHT 17.9 Kgs